Sunday, May 23, 2010

May 23 Miscellanea

A-nother warm and sunny day!

B-ackyard my favorite spot today.

C-omputer finally fixed.

D-enial of life's difficulties in full force.

E-njoying my day off.

F-avoring right side of neck. Hard to check blind spot when driving right now.

G-ross is what Kessie was eating earlier. (you don't want to know)

H-eat of day wonderful.

I- am watching an Ant crawl across my monitor.

J-ogging is not something I will ever do.

K-nitting laid aside until I can get the measuring tape.

L -ittle Kessie licking my leg

M-y hair getting out of control again. Do I grow it or chop it off? Looking for ease of care!

N-ostrils flair smelling bbquing steak!

O-rdinary pleasures abound.

P-roud of my Prom girl !

Q-uiet is what I love!

R-esting on my laurels

S-unning my pale, pale body. Hopefully no sunburn....

T-anning is what I am hoping will happen but wearing no sun screen.

U-nder the tree is our table.

V-ulnerablity under wraps.

W-inter is very far away today.

X-anadu in my thoughts.

Y-earning for an airplane ride to anywhere.

Z-est for life fills me.

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