Tuesday, October 06, 2015

Summer of Healing Done.

I know. Summer has been over here for a while.  I have actually worn socks and close toed shoes already! Though today I am in my Birkenstocks because I love them and miss them already.  Tomorrow will be colder so I guess socks again? But still Birks!!

The summer of 2015 has gone down in my history as the summer of radiation.  Radiation itself is not so hard to do.  The worst part of it is the monotony of everyday appointments and the tiredness.
I was lucky.  No chemo first.  I cannot imagine what it would be like with a system that has be compromised more than mine was.  One of the things that I learned with my everyday appointments was just how lucky I was and still am.  I have retained my wholeness.  All my parts are essentially intact and I am not fighting to stay alive.  That is my death is not imminent. I never felt scared I was losing.

The psychological trauma created by coming face to face with ones own death is as much an issue in dealing with cancer as actually dealing with the Cancer itself.  That sentence wore me out!

 So now I happily sit in my shop and enjoy life.  Enjoy that my energy is coming back.  And for some reason right now. I am avoiding knitting even though I have a fibre show in Mid November to prepare for. I have always worked better under pressure.

Kessie does not look too happy with her latest modelling gig.  She knows the coat is too big because I knit this dog coat to donate to a fund raising event.  Though I don't think she could handle the hood very well.

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